Wouldn’t it be nice if you could have someone come in, look under your business “hood”, and make sure you’ve crossed all your t’s and dotted your i’s.  No matter what stage your  business is in- new or established – or what type of business owner you are – creative or not so creative – having an experienced and professional double-checker is really nice!

The SOS Test is exactly that! A test that will put your business through the fine inspection of an objective eye and make sure have well-oiled machine.

Start off clear

New Businesses

If your business new, you are focused on growth minded plans and most likely handling it all solo!  Which means, lots of fresh new widgets being implemented and a ton of strategies that must happen at once.

Start your growth plan off with clear and concise benchmarks so you can easily track your progress.  Since you are managing several areas, you’ll want to make sure everything is working together like it should be and that you have everything in place.

You don’t want to forget to redirect that opt-in confirmation. . .

Stay in your lane


If you are a creative, its no surprise that ideas come to you a mile a minute.

Although its awesome and you are rarely short for new offerings / services / blog post ideas / instagram pics, you probably have a few loose ends.

And the mention of a plan / system might make you cringe. . . but. . .

The SOS Test will help you stay in your lane and leverage your strengths, while quickly addressing and mapping out a plan to fill gaps or tidy up loose ends.

Helpful double checker


If your business is established, you’ve clearly polished off a system that works for you.  You’ve got your systems, checklists, and processes down. . . but what if you’ve forgotten something (like when you can’t remember if you closed the garage door). . . having someone to double check yourself is such a relief.

Plus, you are probably thinking that not too far down the road you’d like to hand off some tasks / management to a team member.  This SOS test will help you put together a clear assessment of your business, make sure you are running at top notch speed, and help you set benchmarks for future team members.

Everything in line

Not-so Creative

If you aren’t a creative, you are probably prone to some level of over analyzing and over thinking.  You want every finite detail in place and have most-likely tripled checked your check list.

The SOS Test is perfect for you because it puts all your facts in line and trackable.

You’ll have a plan to quickly move your new ideas forward and streamline your business for maximum growth and progress.