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A quick jolt of momentum does a business good, right? If you find yourself (or your business or teams) coming up a little short of your ideal progress tracker, then there are a few things you can try without having that will keep you from hitting the panic button.

I’ve categorized these common progress slips and slumps by themes: Decisions & Focus, Tasks, Time, & Resource Management, Planning, Team.

Decisions & Focus

1. Kick decision paralysis to the curb by taking action.
2. You are doing too many things at the same time so you can’t see what (if anything) is actually turning into momentum. Focus on no more than two things at a time.
3. Stop spending time on low hanging fruit. You have to focus the things that really matter.
4. Letting too many voices affect your instincts. Stop asking for people’s opinions, it is just throwing you off.
5. Stay in your genius zone, stop focusing on low hanging fruit.
6. Eyes on your own paper. It doesn’t matter what the experts are doing, your strategies need to work for your business.
7. Stop feeding your excuses. Too busy? Too late? Not smart enough? Good enough?
8. Pause before you decide. Knee jerk reactions are reactionary and often off base.


1. You keep backtracking over work. Stop, make a plan, and be smart in your resource management.
2. Overplanning is keeping you from jumping into action. You don’t have to see every pine needle in the forest.
3. Under planning is costing you money. Try planning for a sprint then adjusting for the next sprint. You business isn’t sustainable on the no-plan plan.
4. Set a goal, desired end product, and due date. Stop working with no end in sight.

Tasks, Time, & Resource Management

1. You don’t know what you actually accomplished last week. Try a daily recap and sprint review to monitor your completed and incomplete tasks.
2. You aren’t tracking your data. You may be doing the right thing but you don’t why it is or isn’t working. Try tracking your analytics for a week.
3. Set a get out of jail free card so you can work freely, but with resource management (time, money, and energy) in mind.
4. You aren’t making progress because your action items are not not broken down into actual tasks. Too large of a project keeps you from moving things to the DONE! column.
5. Workday or work week is unproductive. Build in a specific distraction free work time every day or week. Monitor where, what kind, and when distractions happen.
6. Keep out of open ended work by setting deadlines and circling back to incomplete tasks.


1. Ask your team. They are the experts and can give you objective advice (but with your strengths and weaknesses in mind).
2. Your team is going in their own directions. Gather them up for an impromptu meeting.

You aren’t always going to be in peak progress mode each and every day.

There are so many things that can slow down your progress and keep you from moving things consistently to done. BUT there are many things you can fix quickly before they spiral out of control. I can’t tell you how many times this week I had to squash a negative thought that was feeding my fears. I have had to call out clients on over or under planning. We had to pause and really dive into numbers, traffic, insights, and all kinds of analytics to make sure we were maximizing not only our inputs but our impact as well.

Not everything has to be overhauled if things start to slip. You have more than you need to jump back into momentum and keep your progress up. I would LOVE for you to learn more about how planning your next 90 days keeps your momentum going and your team focused on the big picture. Try Your Progress Gameplan and dive into sprints!


Ever feel kinda blah about business? Even with success, streamlined and greased up systems, and a team moving the things to done. . . sometimes you can still feel like you could be doing things faster/better/easier?

Maybe you just need a breather in between launches and busy seasons. And while that is much needed (and deserved), you can also get into the mode of just doing the same ‘ole same ‘ole.

Maybe success creates a tiny bit of complacency. 

There are times when it’s good to try something new. To shake things up. To pump in some positive energy. To experiment a little.

While I teach and implement strategies to help business owners tackle #allthethings. . . I also help them shake things up.

I hear a similar storyline with most established and successful business owners: We are doing the things well. . . but I still feel like there’s more we could be doing. 

Maybe your storyline is like this: I’m losing my oomph, my energy, or my fired-up-ness for my business. I LOVE what I do (and we are REALLY good at it), but it’s like groundhog day. The same thing every day. Kinda getting boring. 

You can teach old dogs new tricks. Just because you are successful and have dependable systems at your back. . . it might be time to tweak a few things.

Here are 3 signs you need to try something new (and 3 new things to try): 

#1) You have consistently checked off the same weekly tasks at the same rate for the past month.
YES! You need dependable and consistent systems, but if you are doing the exact same work and the exact same speed. . . you may need to try a different approach.

SHAKE IT UP: Try a SPRINT! See how many “things” (blog posts, podcast eps, Instagram Stories / IGTV) you can get done in a two week time frame. This will help breathe some fun into your regular work days and you may see you can get more done in the same amount of time.

#2) You don’t look forward to a regular Monday, you are starting to dread “clocking in” with the team.
It does get boring after a while to do the same things, check in with the same people (even if you LOVE them), on the same days.

SHAKE IT UP: Build in a passion project or one day project into your current week. Start the day off with something you LOVE or something different that can get you fired up.

#3) Your team is communicating on the reg but the energy is lackluster at best.

Your team feeds off your energy, so if you are feeling blah you can bet your team is picking up on that.

SHAKE IT UP: Instead of doing your regular Slack check-ins or Asana rounds. . . try sending them a video recording, voice recording, or gif to get the week started. (I’m even experimenting with a better team kickoff each sprint to make sure we have filled each others cups and jazzed about the work week ahead!)

Sometimes you don’t even see that you fire has dwindled. Sometimes you need a quick espresso shot of something out of the ordinary to perk you up! You don’t always need a complete or total overhaul of your systems, you just need to rework a sprint or two in order to get your mojo back.

If you are wanting to learn more about sprints and follow a proven system (just ask my 6 and 7 figure clients) then Your Progress Gameplan is the best starting point! You’ll learn how to prep, plan, and solidify sprints and make sure your team is consistently moving things to DONE!



The BTS action on your business is how stuff gets moved to DONE! You and your team rolling up your sleeves and diving in. Projects to plan, deadlines to assign, and tasks to delegate. . . not to mention revenue projections, goal setting, and a company culture to support. All essential, all important. You know, it’s a glorious feeling moving those tasks to completion and celebrating your big wins each sprint.

BUT the dark side of operations and planning is that it can become a black hole that sucks you in.

How many times have you been so BTS  that you resurface and realize you need a shower, a new outfit, and maybe put on a bra? 

Listen I get it. There is no one more BTS than me. Comfy pants on, pandora going on, and planning in full action mode.

There are a few key things to have in place to keep you from setting up shop in operations and planning. We gotta get you out of uber planning mode and into action.

Here’s what I recommend to get you out of planning and into action:

  1. Plan for 90 Day Increments. You do not need to plan an entire 12m marketing plan down to each and every individual IG Story or Post. The amount of execution time you are wasting is insane if you do that. 90 Days of planning is a good sweet spot. We always have a yearly calendar, including promos per quarter and then break them down by sprint. BUT spending each and every minute planning every finite detail is just perfectionism dressed up in a cute pair of jeans and heels. PROGRESS TIP: As tasks get moved from 90 days to 60 to 30 to Current Sprint— your details and firm plans need to be decided. Important clarification: This doesn’t mean you plan for 90 then don’t plan until the next 90 rolls around. 
  2. Eliminate dry spells. It’s very easy to fall into dry spell cycles. Meaning, you are knee deep in planning then up to the elbows in implementation / forward facing / execution. And the cycle continues, creating a consistent “dry spell” of planning or implementation. You need to be doing both and making sure each are working in coordination NOT in spite of each other. You need to make sure you aren’t ONLY planning or ONLY in forward facing without a plan. PROGRESS TIP: Create regular intervals (like a designated sprint every 60 days) to plan for the next 90. Or have “pop in” days where you plan, review, then get back to your genius zone. 
  3. Create a transparent accountable system. I love that the progress boards keep everything out in the open. No separate to do lists, no hidden projects, no loopholes to get lost in. Creating a system where your team sees the big pie and their pieces naturally keeps everyone accountable and moving down the same path. PROGRESS TIP: If you are new to sprint planning, start with milestone planning. This will help show your team the milestones you’d like to hit and when so they can adjust their work accordingly. As you work together, you’ll see how much easier it is to make the transition from to do’s to task prioritization. 

It’s fun to plan, but it also can feed your excuses from going from plan to action. Whether it’s perfectionism, doubt, decision paralysis, or another insecurity. . . my goal is for you to make progress and not get lost in operations and planning.


If you are have ever been lost or so inundated with BTS action. . . then getting a handle on your 90 day plan is a great place to start. You’ll not only find out how to plan your next 90 days, but you’ll always have an answer for “what do I do next?”.